Administrative rules, Joint committee for review of (Assembly)
Golf courses acquired under stewardship program: state prohibited from incurring public debt; existing rules suspended - AB334
Health care professional service corporation: rules suspended re patient compensation fund coverage  - AB581
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited -  AB580
Administrative rules, Joint committee for review of (Senate)
Golf courses acquired under stewardship program: state prohibited from incurring public debt; existing rules suspended - SB179
Health care professional service corporation: rules suspended re patient compensation fund coverage  - SB342
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited -  SB341
Audit, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Investment board revisions re membership, investments, minutes, information to local governments and reports; internal audit subunit and chief investment officer position created; LAB reports revised -  AB664
Audit, Joint committee on (Senate)
Investment board revisions re membership, investments, minutes, information to local governments and reports; internal audit subunit and chief investment officer position created; LAB reports revised -  SB402
Controlled substances, Special committee on — Senate
Controlled substance laws: penalties increased for 2nd or subsequent offenses -  AB816
Controlled substances: laws revised -  AB817
Employment relations, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB677
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB681
Clerical and related employes bargaining unit: contract ratification; DETF duties created re health insurance premium credits program -  AB684
Health insurance premium credits program created for nonrepresented state employes and elected state officials  - AB683
Nonrepresented state employe compensation plan modified re administration, wage or parity adjustment, catastrophic leave, travel expenses and attorney general's salary  - AB473
Professional engineering bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB1070
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB1074
Professional patient treatment bargaining unit: contract ratification for the 1993-95 and 1995-97 biennia  - AB682
Professional research, statistics and analysis bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB1075
Professional science bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB1071
Professional social services bargaining unit: contract ratification  - AB678
Security and public safety bargaining unit: contract ratification  - AB680
Technical employe bargaining unit: contract ratification -  AB679
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification - AB1072
U.W. Milwaukee program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification -  AB1073
Employment relations, Joint committee on (Senate)
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: contract ratification  - SB676
Professional education bargaining unit: contract ratification -  SB677
Professional engineering bargaining unit: contract ratification -  SB649
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: contract ratification -  SB653
Professional patient care bargaining unit: contract ratification  - SB678
Professional patient care collective bargaining unit: contract ratification -  JR5SB1
Professional research, statistics and analysis bargaining unit: contract ratification -  SB654
Professional science bargaining unit: contract ratification -  SB650
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification - SB651
U.W. Milwaukee program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification -  SB652
Environment and utilities, Committee on — Assembly
Reformulated gasoline sale in southeastern Wisconsin: Congress requested to suspend requirement  - AJR25
Finance, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Budget bill  - AB150
Health, human services and aging, Committee on — Senate
MEB procedures re credential suspension or revocation; podiatrist licensure and continuing education requirements  - SB340
Human resources, labor, tourism, veterans and military affairs, Committee on — Senate
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised - SB373
Joint legislative council
Child care economics: laws revised re grant and loan assistance programs, prekindergarten or kindergarten programs, day care center regulations, outdoor play space, location other than first floor and safe and affordable child care for low-income parents; study provided -  SB540
Child or family support: court authorized to grant credit in specified circumstances -  SB421
Child support: revisions re percentage standard, deviation factors, child care expenses, trust fund, Huber prisoner wages, social security benefits and postmajority support for exceptional educational needs children; paternity judgments and blood test costs revised; DHSS studies and reports required  - SB422
Children in need of protection or services: laws revised and expanded -  AB837
Children in need of protection or services: laws revised and expanded -  SB501
Custodial parent moving with, or removing, child after divorce and joint legal custody re physical placement order: provisions revised; custody study fee increased  - SB420
Electronic benefit transfer system for food stamp and other programs: DHSS to implement; county participation optional  - SB445
Emergencies resulting from enemy action or natural or man-made disasters: role of state agencies, including DMA, specified -  SB418
Emergency government, Division of, name changed to Division of emergency management; related references to agencies and personnel revised -  SB419
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -  SB622
Farmland preservation program revisions; farmland tax relief credit repealed -  SB370
Guardian ad litem: parent or guardian liable for compensation; state payment to counties modified; contracting encouraged - AB742
Immunization program modified; school health services plan adoption required -  SB469
Information technology sharing by state agencies; DOA duties and implementation plan requirements  - SB396
Intergovernmental cooperation enhancement recommendations re municipal revenue sharing, police, libraries and CESA and technical college districts; report required  - SB491
Legislative information policy and privacy bureau created, JCLO duties set; JCIP duties expanded re public video conferencing -  SB395
Local roads improvement program: counties may bid for city, village or town highway projects - SB542
State fire programs interagency coordinating council created, sunset provided; SERB membership and duties revised  - AB746
Tribal law enforcement officers: LESB to reimburse for certain training -  SB502
Tribal prisoners confined in county jail: agreements between sheriff and county board and recognized tribe authorized - SB503
U.W. system chancellors: powers and duties revised -  SB371
Wisconsin information service council created to broadcast government proceedings; DOA and JCLO duties set  - SB397
Labor and employment, Committee on — Assembly
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised - AB632
Law revision committee
Academic excellence higher education scholarship program: grade point average requirement revised (remedial legislation) - AB765
Adult court: petition procedure revised re waiver of jurisdiction after child becomes 18 -  SB258
Agricultural law revisions re fertilizer control law terminology, tonnage fees and weights and measures (remedial legislation) - SB470
Alcohol testing before issuance of citation: court decision codified -  SB570
Bank trust power language: references to lunatics deleted (remedial legislation) -  SB464
Check tendered but not cashed: court decision codified re statute of limitations -  SB574
Condemnation proceedings: award of litigation expenses modified; judicial decicion codified - AB466
Criminal defamation: court decision codified re civil law privileges applied to criminal cases - SB577
DETF revisions re WRS lump sum payment, intestate or abandoned accounts notification, GIB contracting with public or private entities, life insurance to certain Milwaukee teachers and application date for long-term disability insurance benefits (remedial legislation) -  SB483
DHSS revisions re learnfare sanctions, HIRSP eligibility, maternal and child health services, noncompliance by nursing homes and intermediate care facilities and WIC administration (remedial legislation) -  AB863
DORL licensure and regulations for funeral directors, public accountants, pharmacists, physicians and optometrists revised (remedial legislation) -  AB759
Health insurance revised re coverage of optometrist services and preexisting condition exclusions or limitations (remedial legislation) -  SB471